
STRIVE Challenge

1st October 2018
STRIVE Challenge

What do you get when you mix bikes, the Southern Alps and Richard Branson? The Virgin STRIVE Challenge of course! At the end of September whilst the rest of Professor Puzzle were enjoying the last few rays of the London summer sun, our Chief Puzzler Ben Meldrum was braving a five day cycle from Monaco to Tignes in order to raise money for the Big Change, a social enterprise programme that aims to empower young people. Founded in 2010, the Big Change invests in projects and programmes to enhance the lives of young people so that they have the opportunity to thrive.

Raking up 110k each day, the route was definitely a test of perseverance (who knew that the Alps would be so hilly?!) but the chance to be part of such a worthwhile cause soon put any aching muscles at ease. After five days of cycling, they finally reached Tignes and were met with breathtaking views.  As our involvement included a £7.5k donation to the Big Change, we couldn’t think of a more meaningful excuse to get off the office swivel chair and out in the world!

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